Using Widgets (GraphQL)

Widgets are the set of elements like polls, quizzes, and predictions that can be used to build interactive experiences. Widgets are delivered to audiences in two steps: first they are created, and then they are published. This allows for complex workflows to be managed, so that widgets can be created, scheduled, and edited ahead of time before publishing.


Widgets belong to a program

Before you can create a widget, you must first create a Program for it to belong to. You can use the createProgram mutation to create a new program now, or learn more about Programs in the product docs.

More information about Widgets is available in the product guide.

Creating Widgets

When a widget is first created, it is considered pending. It exists in the system and can be referenced in the API, but has not been published to an audience. Here is some sample mutation for creating a new text poll:

mutation NewTextPoll {
    input: {programId: $programId, question: $question, options: $options, timeout: $timeout}
  ) {
    options {

Running this mutation will create the poll and it will appear in the Pending tab inside the CMS. After it's created it can be published immediately or scheduled for later. Other mutations for creating widgets include:

  • createImagePoll
  • createRichPost


Users can create widgets too

Widgets are often created by server-to-server calls with Producer authorization, but profiles with appropriate permissions can create widgets too. Use the Roles and Permissions system with permissions like create-text-poll and publish-text-poll to enable user-generated widgets in your integration.

Publishing Widgets

A pending widget has to be published for it to appear in timelines and send pubsub messages. Publishing a widget is done through the publishWidget mutation. Here's how a text poll would be published immediately:

mutation PublishTextPoll {
  publishWidget(input: {widgetId: $textPollId, kind: TEXT_POLL}) {

Publishing a widget can take an optional publishDelay input field in ISO duration format which will delay scheduling, so you can schedule a widget to be published sometime in the future. When publishing on a delay, the widget's status will be scheduled until the delay elapses and the widget is published.

Creating Votes

Votes can be created on Text Polls and Image Polls. Each Poll has a list of options, and a vote can be created for one option. Each option has a unique optionId, which is used to create the vote.


Authorization is required

Poll Votes cannot be created or updated anonymously. Make sure to include the user's Profile Access Token in the Authorization header in requests when working with poll votes.

mutation CreatePollVote {
  createPollVote(input: {widgetId: $textPollId, kind: TEXT_POLL, optionId: $optionId}) {

Updating Votes

Once a poll vote has been created, another vote on the same poll from the same user cannot be created. To change the vote, the vote must be updated. To do so, the id of the original vote creation response is used, as well as an optionId other than the optionId of the originally created vote.

mutation UpdatePollVote {
  updatePollVote(input: {id: $voteId, widgetId: $textPollId, kind: TEXT_POLL, optionId: $optionId}) {

Getting Widget Interactions

Once votes have been created, these interactions are recorded and associated with the user profile that made them. Previously vote interactions can then be used to display to the user.


Multiple widget interactions can be fetched simultaneously

The ids field in the input is an array of widget ids. You can get a list of interactions from multiple widgets of the same kind by passing multiple ids.

mutation WidgetInteractions {
  widgetsInteractions(input: {id: TEXT_POLL, ids: $ids}, profileId: $profileId) {
    interactions {


View the Sample Repo to see everything put together.

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